
DRCSCPDF Link: DRCSC_Vegetables

1. Creative Lesson Plan on Vegetables:  Developed by Development Research Communication & Services Centre (DRCSC) this booklet is the 8th in the series  of creative lesson plans for teachers, educators and community workers.  It focuses on a ‘garden based learning’ approach to help children hone practical skills of growing vegetables organically and also be more conscious about their environment and safe food. The goal of the booklet is to help children, through various activities, familiarise themselves with the vegetables that they consume daily and be able to recognize suitable vegetables for their home or school garden. This booklet contains activities for students from class 2 – 10. The activities in this booklet can be summarized as follows:

1. ‘About Vegetables Which Children Eat’: Encouraging children to know more about the vegetables that they eat and their sources.

2.’Vegetables in Our Home Garden & Vegetables in Market’: Observing and comparing vegetables grown in home gardens and the ones sold in market and thus delve into the idea of safe food.

3. Vegetable Market Survey Throughout the Year:  Discovering facts of vegetables and their seasonality.

4. ‘Let’s Grow Vegetables in School Garden’: Encouraging and equipping children to become producers of healthy food by environmentally friendly farming methods.

At the end of the booklet, there is a note by Ardhendhu Chatterjee titled  Growing Vegetables & Fruits can be Enjoyable & Educational along with case studies of school gardens and detailed eco-gardening techniques. There is also a comprehensive list of books, references and creative lesson plans. 

Language: English